web2.0 and more

With module 2 I started doing some research  for on my proposed project topic of supporting Gifted and Talented students and became overwhelmed by the amount and nature of material available. ACARA, the  Department of Education for each state, government inquiries into the education of gifted and talented students and the submissions to these, professional articles in an array of journals, and much more.  Too much to read and consider in the time I have available for this PLN program, but something that I will work on with others in my school over a longer period of time.

So after seeing Cathy Hainstock’s blog  Harold went to war   I have decided to undertake some research related to my great grandfather, George Debney, and in particular the Buntingford Tannery in Flemington. You may have heard of Debney’s Paddock and Debney Park Secondary College.  These are in the area of the former tannery.

It may be harder to locate useful resources from what I have seen come up with searching google so far. I needed to change search terms.  I started with Buntingford Tannery and came up with more entries for the tannery in Buntingford Hertfordshire England.  I then had to include Flemington in the search string.  Trove’s digitised newspapers appear to have a number of useful items as there was a fire at the tannery in  1909.

Search terms Buntingford Tannery


Comments on: "Research project change of topic" (1)

  1. Inspired by another blogger…- that’s fantastic! see how we can use the internet to learn and share cool stuff?
    Fay, the State Library Vic has got some useful research guides to steer you in the right direction to helpful resources.
    Best of luck
    (on behalf of the team)

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